The world of flowers and bouquet design has never met a match quite like Sunshine Petals. But that wasn’t always the case.



Case Study Details:

Sunshine Petals is a family owned business that’s been distributing flowers and bouquets for the better part of the last 20 years catering to customers in the island of Lapu-Lapu and part of Cebu City. The last few years have been rought though as competition and the advancement of digital marketing has hampered the proud family business. Once they came to us, we set out on making sure they could regain their hold of the market.

The Fix:

the-fix-sunshine-v3The biggest challenges for the business were to somehow put their products on a digital platform that would synchronize with the old way that they would do business. The store implored an old school shop with old school mechanics for recording things – invoices, orders etc. on pieces of paper and notebooks.

We set up them up with an online store complete with each and everyone of their products. We provided access to the team and walked them through where to find the information they needed to complete orders. All the orders would then be routed to an online ledger that we designed for them to record all sales information that included product name, price and deliver-to-address.

Finally, we added marketing functions during promotional seasons like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day to give them a high end boost on the site.

After nearly a year of implementing the site, the results were fairly favorable for the business:

– 2x more inquiries from customers they would have otherwise not had.
– 63% more revenue accured compared to last year.
– 2x more repeat customers.

The store continues to use the site for marketing purposes and is heavily reliant now on the automations and technology we’ve provided them.

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The End Result



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